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Skyrim Fast Conjuration Leveling

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by sutackrightatt1981 2020. 1. 23. 00:09


Skyrim Fast Conjuration Leveling

Conjuration Hey guys, I'm going to teach you guys an easy way to get your Conjuration skill to 100 quick and easy!Prerequisites:1. You will need at least 94 Magicka to cast this spell. Congratulations, you achieved this without having to do anything as everyone starts off with 100 Magicka!2. Spell Tome: Soul Trap. When you leave Riverwood and head towards Whiterun, you will eventually be able to talk to the Mage inside of Dragonsreach by the name of Farengar. He sells Tomes (located under the books section) and will have the spell Soul Trap at a reasonable cost, 200-350 monies.Once you have enough gold to buy the tome you are ready to level all the way to 100!In order to do this as fast as possible you are going to utilize the wait system. For this spell to actually gain experience and level you up you are going to have to venture OUTSIDE of Whiterun, and find any animal/beast/human to kill.

The following is an easy way to get your conjuration skill to 100. In order to do this you need the spell Soul Trap, which can be bought for roughly 250-300 septims from farengar Secret-Fire at.

Once they are dead you can either stay there, or if it is unsafe, drag that lifeless body to somewhere a little more secluded. Now, place the Soul Trap spell in either hand and cast it while aiming at the body. You wont be capturing its soul but it will grant you experience every cast on that poor victims body. As soon as you cast it, activate the wait menu (Select/Back for Consoles) and wait one hour. After waiting your Magicka bar will be refilled and you can cast another spell. Rinse and repeat this process.TIP: You can either wait till the very end to level your character up and decided what you want to spend your level ups on, or if your going caster class, go ahead and raise your Magicka as often as you level up.

Eventually you will be able to cast multiple Soul Traps on one cast bar of Magicka. Soul Trap is an Apprentice level spell. The sooner you can buy the perk in the Conjuration tree to cut the cost of Apprentice spells by 50%, DO IT!

There are a couple better ways to achieve this. I mean if you want to get it right away with alot of time then you can do this. However you can also just wait a little while and find some items that enhance your mana regen or some potions that do so. Also, a great thing is to be a high elf.

You can activate your Highborn ability and just constantly cast Soul Trap. Eventually it starts to take about 10 casts per level at around 50-60ish and I think it goes up but if your resourceful and patient you can sploit your way to 100.

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Skyrim Fast Conjuration Leveling Chart

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One good place is the path to High Hrothgar where you encounter the troll. Lure him back a bit and jump up onto the rocks to the left and cast your summon. The troll will heal any damage it may get, and you're in a safe spot. Bring lots of magika potions.For alteration, once you're able to level enough to get Detect Life, use it in the most populated city you can find (Solitude most likely).

Skyrim How To Level Up Conjuration

The more you 'see' with the spell, the more Alteration xp you gain. Again, stock up on potions. Or Fortify Magika Regen gear.


The fastest way to level up Alteration to get paralysis is Telekinesis. If you have Dawnguard installed, go into the Red Water Den and you'll find the spellbook in the cage on the left as you enter the Skooma brewing facility. Alternately, if you don't want to do any of that - there is always a staff of paralysis in Snapleg Cave on top of the altar as you enter. That's a lot easier to use than leveling alteration.The Fastest way to level Illusion is to get the muffle spell, and then cast it in a city around a bunch of people. You'll get to Expert in no time and then can buy it at the College of Winterhold. Alternately, you can just mix a potion of invisibility - luna moth wing and vampire dust makes the best version but Ice Wraith teeth, nirnroot and chaurus eggs also make invisibility potions.

Skyrim Fast Conjuration Leveling