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Fallout New Vegas Not Launching

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by sutackrightatt1981 2020. 1. 24. 10:23


Fallout New Vegas Not Launching
  1. Fallout New Vegas Not Launching Steam
  2. Fallout New Vegas Not Launching Windows 10

Is there any way of fixing it without downloading the whole game again? My other Steam games Mass Effect and Portal all launch and play fine but New Vegas is being an arse. Is anybody else having problems with the game? And how can I solve my problem of New Vegas not launching? For Everything Fallout: New Vegas. Feel free to discuss any aspect of the game you want. See the rules below for more information. Repeat offenders shall be fed to the Deathclaws. Fallout New Vegas wont launch on windows 10. Submitted 1 year ago. by Safri67.

Hi,I installed Windows 10 yesterday, and the upgrade from Win8.1 went mostly very well. Fallout 3 works, but Fallout NV does not work. I tried all the various compatibility modes from WinXP, Vista, Win7, Win8 and none would launch the game.When I launch the game by either the Launcher or the.exe method I get the error message that the Fallout New Vegas Launcher Has Stopped Working. The game doesn't even start.I have no idea what to do next for troubleshooting. Maybe someone here has some idea of how I can fix this problem? I'm all ears. Oh, eyes.FritzPosts: 3400 Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:30 am.

Please post a Dxdiag in spoiler tags - you restarted your computer since updating to 10? I updated myself last night, and had to restart after the installation in order for Windows to load my video (Nvidia) drivers - the computer was just using the generic Windows graphics drivers. Once I restarted it I was able to launch New Vegas and my other games without any problems.ETA - are you using any mods? If so, please post a load order as well.Posts: 3435 Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:15 am.

Definitely check your driver version like Erzherzoghans mentioned - AMD's Windows 10 driver version is 15.7.1.One of things I've noticed from poking around the 'net is that Windows tries to update your video drivers to the latest version on its own, but doesn't always do a very good job installing them.If that doesn't work, a couple of other things you can try are -. Validating your local files through Steam. Deleting your Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini files located in your My DocumentsMy GamesFallout New Vegas folder. The game will then generate new defaults of these.Posts: 3409 Joined: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:53 am. Erzherzoghans,You may be right, but the game has always been installed in Program Files (x86), and it has always worked well until I installed Win10 yesterday.

The problem seems to have something to do with installing Win10, but what?To resolve this problem, I may have to reinstall FNV. I have an original retail copy of the game DVD. Even so, when after installing from the DVD, I still have to download content from Steam. I hate to go through all that. It takes a long time to accomplish a reinstall when you can't just do it from the DVD like in former times.I dunno.FritzPosts: 3431 Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:21 am.

At this point you may have no choice but to try reinstalling the game. It probably couldn't hurt anything by trying to delete or rename those two.ini files; maybe something in one or both of them was corrupted, and removing them or renaming them will allow the game to run long enough to regenerate new ones.The only issue I've had since updating to Windows 10 was with Fallout 2 - the game launches and runs, but it won't load any of my saves.

And it's been so long since I played FO2 that this might be a problem that predates my Win 10 upgrade.Posts: 3476 Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 5:51 am. A remote posibility, sometimes works with me PC XP, when things not quite running as they should.Doing a disk check for errors, it's like checking that all the files are still pointing to the correct locations, and other possible errors, and auto fix any errors.

The machine at least goes a lot faster not having to search for files. It's simple to check as you probably know.Rclick My computer exploreRC disk on C or wherever. Tools.error checking, check nowclick the box 'automatically fix file system errors'. It should reboot and fix them.Windows 10 probably has the equivalent way of checkingPosts: 3348 Joined: Sun Oct 15, 2006 4:14 pm. All,I had to reinstall the game twice to get it working.

In the first reinstall, I only removed the game content from the Steam folder in C:Program Files (x86). I then reinstalled not only from the game DVD that I own, but also I downloaded content from Steam (had to). This process took a long time using my slow (1.5 meg DSL). When finished, I noted that all my old Saves had been reestablished in Documents Fallout New Vegas Saves, even though I had deleted them before reinstalling. Apparently Steam keeps duplicates of the game on their servers.

I didn't know this. However, I launched the newly reinstalled game and got the same error message as before: Fallout New Vegas Launcher has stopped working. Tears streaming down my face.

Not really.No amount of fiddling with the settings and what have you resolved the problem. I searched the Internet and found several posts by users having the same problem. I tried all of the fixes suggested by those users and which had worked for them. Even so, none of those fixes worked for me. I spent a long time messing with this.After that, I decided to take Erzherzoghans's (post above) advice and reinstall to a different directory/folder. I removed all Steam entries in C:Program Files (x86), and also I removed the Steam folder itself.

Fallout New Vegas Not Launching Steam

I left no trace of anything relating to Steam in that location. I then cleaned the registry using ccleaner, removing all references (I hoped) to Steam in the registry. I also removed the game folder containing the.ini files and the Saves located in Documents (again). I then defragged the hard drive and rebooted. I thought this process would clean all items for the game and Steam from my system, along with any glitches causing my issue.I then reinstalled the game to C:Steam from the game DVD, and then I downloaded the rest from the Steam website (no way around this).

Again, this took several hours. When everything finished reinstalling for the second time, I launched the game and received no errors.

The game took off with no issues. Again, all my old Saves had been reestablished in the Fallout NV folder in Documents. I played the game starting from my last Save made in the old game that had been removed. Steam knows everything we do in that game. Go figure.FritzPosts: 3465 Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:53 am.

Fallout New Vegas Not Launching Windows 10

Fallout New Vegas Not Launching

This mod is now deprecated, please go here insteadName: 4GB FNV UpdatedAuthors: MonochromeWench, Hendricks266 & Roy BattyVersion: v1.9Date: 21/2/2014Thank you all for 27000+ EndorsementsFNV4GB is a tool to load Fallout New Vegas with the Large Address Aware executable flag set so the entire 4GB Virtual Memory Address Space can be used by the game. This is useful when using lots of Mods and Texture Packs.Why use this tool, when there are 4GB patch tools and PE Editors you might ask? Well the Steam envelope for the FalloutNV.exe does not tolerate any tampering and will error out if you modify it that way, so this tool was created by MonochromeWench to get around that limitation.It is recommended to copy the FNV4GB.exe and fnv4gbhelper.dll to the New Vegas installation directory. Doing so will allow the tool to work with ENB, SweetFX, FXAA injector and other such utilities with a minimum of hassle. However it is not necessary (YMMV).Create a shortcut to FNV4GB.exe and place it on your desktop, pin it to your task bar, or copy it to your quick launch bar.First, make sure you have launched the game with the default launcher AT LEAST ONCE after setting up your graphics options or the program will NOT function properly.Make sure Steam is running.

Fallout New Vegas Not Launching