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Beasts Of Tamriel Sse

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by sutackrightatt1981 2020. 1. 23. 21:06


Beasts Of Tamriel Sse

Beasts of Tamriel is an achievement available in The Elder Scrolls Online. This achievement is obtained as part of the 'Trophies' achievement category. The following are required to earn this achievement: Shimmer Alit Bezoar (Alit), Magnificent Bat Pelt (Giant Bat), Gnarled Bear Claw (Bear. The fur and tusks of these beasts are prized throughout Tamriel, mainly due to the effort of hunting such a beast and that most herds are protected and shepherded by clans of over-protective Giants. Mammoth meat is bland to the taste but can feed an entire Nordic village for weeks if prepared correctly. Page 61 of 66 - Beasts of Tamriel - posted in File topics: Ive mentioned this a long time ago but its still does not seem to be fixed. This mod adds a massive lag spike by Pilgrims Trench west of winterhold in the ocean.

The monsters from monster hunter started to appear all provinces of tamriel, their goal is to wreck major civilization and dominate over people on tamriel. The only way to stop them is to kill them all1. Take place during ESO era, all species from MH4U,MHGU, MH3U and MHW are presented. (elder dragons like fatalis get his lore feats)2.monsters side goal is to take over all tamriel, ppl of tamriel need to wipe them all off3. No gods daedra or artifact or psjsic time hax is allow. Powerful mages like mannimarco is allow, beings like dragons, undead, minor daedras from tamriel will join tamriel side4. Both sides have no knowledge of each others5.

Both side are blood lust both sides are in character6. Tamriel is warned of major threat and they have one month to prepare, after one month monsters will start appear and attackScenario 2: Tamriel has no prep timeEach normal monsters start with 15,000 each species, devient monsters has 5000 each pet species mid tier level elder dragon such as Teostra has 1000, and island or mountain level elder dragon has 100 per species. Click to expand.Thras and Pyandonea are surrounding islands, they're never part of the empire, but do occasionally involve themselves with the mainland, personally I would consider them part of it, but it's not a guarantee, hence my question. Okay, then with the possible exception of Ayem, the Tribunal are out. And in that case, I'd say the Monsters are probably fucked. I'll admit, I don't know much about Monster Hunter, though I do know some of them are insanely powerful like the Dalamadur, but it seems like ultimately, they will be wiped out by the likes of the few Dov still around (Kalgrontiid and co, Paarthurnax should they attack High Hrothgar, Nafaalilargus, Vulthuryol and Dragonne Papre), alongside mages such as Mannimarco and Galerion, the ghost of Shalidor, any Sload, and Orgnum.All of the above should have enough magical power to take at least reasonably strong Monsters.

And that's when the Sload and Mannimarco come in, as they can necromance any monsters they kill, and the Sload can, should they be able to perform sufficient research, manufacture deadly plagues such as the Thrassian plague.Also, would opening Oblivion gates but not trying to bring the direct involvement of Princes count as them interfering? Thras and Pyandonea are surrounding islands, they're never part of the empire, but do occasionally involve themselves with the mainland, personally I would consider them part of it, but it's not a guarantee, hence my question. Okay, then with the possible exception of Ayem, the Tribunal are out. And in that case, I'd say the Monsters are probably fucked. I'll admit, I don't know much about Monster Hunter, though I do know some of them are insanely powerful like the Dalamadur, but it seems like ultimately, they will be wiped out by the likes of the few Dov still around (Kalgrontiid and co, Paarthurnax should they attack High Hrothgar, Nafaalilargus, Vulthuryol and Dragonne Papre), alongside mages such as Mannimarco and Galerion, the ghost of Shalidor, any Sload, and Orgnum.All of the above should have enough magical power to take at least reasonably strong Monsters.

And that's when the Sload and Mannimarco come in, as they can necromance any monsters they kill, and the Sload can, should they be able to perform sufficient research, manufacture deadly plagues such as the Thrassian plague.Also, would opening Oblivion gates but not trying to bring the direct involvement of Princes count as them interfering? Click to expand.this is a amatsu that can create stormsxeno jivva shoot laser that melt through solid crystalwe have monsters that can dig through solid rock and swim through lavaalot of monster are building sized animal who can tank military grade firepower, swim on laval, digging through solid rock and ice.Some breath laser, has exploding fist, made of steel, has water canon that one shot an airship and cut through solid rock, some control weather and caused tsunami.A ceadeus almost destroy an island by slamming. It's head against it from uderwater.Some are literally made of poison.Some could literallt generated zombie virus and the one got revived are more violent, more powerful and more durable.monster like Giginox gigi sack can spawn a gigi, a dog sized leech that could grow into flying building sized leech if left unchecked every minuteoh and there is also dire Miralis whose mere present can kill lifesfatalis is powerful enough to destroy entire kingdom and ended the old civilization, which are super advance.Im not saying monster win, just some feats for the monster and there are more. And yes open oblivion gate is allowed just no princesAnd I know Tamriel dragon are power but even med to low tier monster can casually tank antitank and armor piercing like projectile, smash through solid rock formation and stuff, do you Tamriel dragon have that same durability? Some questions for the OP.-At what population densitities are the MH Monsters appearing? Click to expand.The Wrathstone expansion will include dragons, yes. The only named individual that has been discussed is Kaalgrontiid, who is considered very powerful.

As far as I know, Kaalgrontiid has no feats aside from escaping the Halls of Collosus, so it is difficult to say how powerful he is. The dragons featured in said expansion are markedly bigger and stronger than prior visuals, which is to be expected given the current focus on lore rather than game-play optimization. I would definitely agree that the dragons have many noteworthy abilities such as intangibility or low-end time manipulation. I am not sure how they would measure up against the larger creatures from Monster Hunter, so I must refrain from agreeing with the notion that they could win this battle on their own. With that said, this scenario theoretically includes anyone from Divayth Fyr to Vanus Galerian, so the dragons are hardly the most formidable units Tamriel would have access to. Leaving mages as the primary combatants, and to really know how well that'll go, it would help to know the average capabilities of an average, combat trained mage. Civilian mages might be able to make some dents if they're around the same level, but overall that's iffy to count on given how nasty Monsters can be, and how prone to panic average civilian mages tend to be.

Higher tiers are going to be pretty effective against anything that isn't also high tier in the Monsters, but that ultimately hinges on how high the DC feats go. Click to expand.The average Battlemage can toss around fireballs capable of instantly disintegrating several armored soldiers. They employ wards that can withstand a vague amount of direct hits from other magicians before being depleted. Physical strikes are stopped by wards as well, but keeping said magical shields functional requires concentration and magicka.

Now, high-end magicians are absolutely ridiculous, with abilities ranging from casual intangibility to completely halting the flow of time. In general, said individuals can incinerate superhuman armies in seconds. The most powerful of these sorcerers can collapse pocket-realities with some preparations.I guess a good question would be how numerous the larger creatures from Monster Hunter are, because mountain-sized kaijus are not a new subject for The Elder Scrolls, though such beings are considered very rare. Some questions for the OP.-At what population densitities are the MH Monsters appearing?

Click to expand.I don't see how the elder scrolls dragons would be able to win on their own when they seem far weaker than large MH monsters.Odahviing, Alduin's right hand minion was physically restrained by a big block of wood.1:30In contrast, five star level threat monsters from MH regularly display ridiculous feats of strength.Zinogre levels big ass stone structure.0:55Lagiacrus levels giant stone pillar with a single tail strike.1:29Rathalos can fly with a theropod larger than a tyrannosaurus in its claws. For reference, most paleontologists believe that the largest specimen of t-rex discovered weighed around 8 tons.Most elder dragons are orders of magnitude even more powerful than your regular apex monster.Apex sergios for example can decimate a normal sergios, a creature about as powerful as a rathalos, in seconds and are also strong enough to use it as a bludgeon.0:40If I recall correctly, an elders scrolls dragon cannot be permanently killed unless their soul is eaten or something, but that's not really a problem if the monster facing it can just splat him like a bug. The Wrathstone expansion will include dragons, yes. The only named individual that has been discussed is Kaalgrontiid, who is considered very powerful.

As far as I know, Kaalgrontiid has no feats aside from escaping the Halls of Collosus, so it is difficult to say how powerful he is. The dragons featured in said expansion are markedly bigger and stronger than prior visuals, which is to be expected given the current focus on lore rather than game-play optimization. I would definitely agree that the dragons have many noteworthy abilities such as intangibility or low-end time manipulation. I am not sure how they would measure up against the larger creatures from Monster Hunter, so I must refrain from agreeing with the notion that they could win this battle on their own. With that said, this scenario theoretically includes anyone from Divayth Fyr to Vanus Galerian, so the dragons are hardly the most formidable units Tamriel would have access to.The average Battlemage can toss around fireballs capable of instantly disintegrating several armored soldiers. They employ wards that can withstand a vague amount of direct hits from other magicians before being depleted.

Physical strikes are stopped by wards as well, but keeping said magical shields functional requires concentration and magicka. Now, high-end magicians are absolutely ridiculous, with abilities ranging from casual intangibility to completely halting the flow of time.

In general, said individuals can incinerate superhuman armies in seconds. The most powerful of these sorcerers can collapse pocket-realities with some preparations.I guess a good question would be how numerous the larger creatures from Monster Hunter are, because mountain-sized kaijus are not a new subject for The Elder Scrolls, though such beings are considered very rare. Click to expand.Given the new information from the OP on numbers for the MH side, I can't even advocate for a Elder Scrolls win anymore.There's just fucking too many Monsters, because even if the Monsters are killed, Tamriel's ecosystem is fucked. The ten-bloody-thousand Savage Jho's alone are going to utterly destroy the food supplies for thousands of square miles. All these things require caloric values that are bloody obscene by Tamriel's standards, and that sort of food just doesn't magically appear. Click to expand.Secondly, this is either extreme downplay via game-play mechanics or extreme ignorance.

Yes, normal people can be threatened by wild animals. However, this does not mean that superhuman warriors or high-end wizards would be as well.

There are plenty of people that can trivially kill bears with a one-handed axe throughout Tamriel., and they are comparatively weaker than any main character from any of the games.High-end magicians –who are weaker than many of the characters that should be present within this scenario– of superhuman warriors that can. So, to get this straight, there's setting level populations of normal monsters, 540,000 subspecies/deviants, and 30,000 ELDER DRAGONS?That.changes things. Drastically.Given the new information from the OP on numbers for the MH side, I can't even advocate for a Elder Scrolls win anymore.There's just fucking too many Monsters, because even if the Monsters are killed, Tamriel's ecosystem is fucked.

The ten-bloody-thousand Savage Jho's alone are going to utterly destroy the food supplies for thousands of square miles. All these things require caloric values that are bloody obscene by Tamriel's standards, and that sort of food just doesn't magically appear. ​This is either extreme downplay via game-play mechanics or extreme ignorance. Yes, normal people can be threatened by wild animals. However, this does not mean that superhuman warriors or high-end wizards would be as well., and they are comparatively weaker than any main character from any of the games.High-end magicians –who are weaker than many of the characters that should be present within this scenario– of superhuman warriors that can.No, not quite.

Odahviing was restrainedafter fighting a superhuman warrior that and canonically contends with high-tier magicians.Nothing you've shown me is indicative of such a statement, save for the larger monsters. Again, it is not like mountain-sized creatures do not exist within The Elder Scrolls, and there are magicians that are considered vastly stronger than they are. Click to expand.Except that in-game descriptions explicitly describe wolves and bears as dangerous creatures. An average member of the elder scroll's playable races are not that much stronger than a normal human being. I am sure that an orc and a nord are probably significantly than a normal person but the difference in strength is not that obvious.

Iron and steel plate armor in Elder scrolls for example, is classified as heavy armor. And yeah, real life plate armor is kind of heavy, even though most people over exaggerate how cumbersome it is. If the average imperial or red guard was significantly stronger than a real-life human being though, plate armor really shouldn't considered that much of a burden.An obscure lore book is Morrowind also explicitly describes an iron axe as being heavy. I'd rather fight a pack of wolves than a raptor that can shrug of a blow from a two ton dinosaur and is also strong enough to restrain it.The average denizen of Tameriel are not absurdly stronger or more durable than real life humans.Velociprey are creatures that MH denizens casually shoo away.

At best, they are their worlds equivalent of raccoons. At worst, they are the seagulls of the MH world.I never said that velociprey can kill high end elder scrolls creatures. Obviously if you compare them to the strongest elder scrolls creatures they wouldn't seem to impressive. The more powerful monsters in MH like raviente can decimate landmasses just by moving around.1:06And there is a weaker elder dragon known as valstrax who can fly faster than a jet.Except that in-game descriptions explicitly describe wolves and bears as dangerous creatures. An average member of the elder scroll's playable races are not that much stronger than a normal human being. I am sure that an orc and a nord are probably significantly than a normal person but the difference in strength is not that obvious.


Iron and steel plate armor in Elder scrolls for example, is classified as heavy armor. And yeah, real life plate armor is kind of heavy, even though most people over exaggerate how cumbersome it is. If the average imperial or red guard was significantly stronger than a real-life human being though, plate armor really shouldn't considered that much of a burden.An obscure lore book is Morrowind also explicitly describes an iron axe as being heavy:I'm inclined to believe that the strength difference between an average elder scrolls person and a real person is kind of akin to the difference between a chimpanzee and a real human being. There is definitely a difference but not a tremendous one.I never said that exceptional elder scrolls warriors would consider an ordinary wolf a threat, however, the average denizen of Tameriel could get potentially fucked up by a wolf or a war dog. That's kind of a problem when the weakest monster hunter predators can bring down iguanodon sized animals.Diablos, a five star monster can tank several massive explosions and ballista sized arrows bounce of its hide.2:12, 3:05Overall, yeah I am sure the main protagonists of the games can kill a giant with relative ease. But in terms of sheer strength, I sincerely doubt that.We have no idea how long Odahviings brawl with the dragon born was, but since the Jarl is evidently not thrilled with the idea of letting an angry dragon rampage around his castle, I am inclined to believe he was restrained as quick as humanely possible.

Furthermore, if your dragon catching trap banks on the fact that its quarry is exhausted, than its a shitty trap and the person that designed it is a dumbass.The Op said their would be 1000 monsters of each elder dragon species. Good luck dealing with a thousand island busting ravientes. Click to expand.I am not sure what you are trying to communicate here. Skilled adventurers have killed giants. Canonically speaking, the main protagonists of the games cut through groups of said adventurers without any effort, and defeat skilled magicians.

Moreover, there are numerous quests that involve fighting creatures that are far, far worse than giants. The Vestige –who the developers have confirmed to be much weaker than the Dovahkiin– regularly stomps monsters/machines that make giants look like fodder. Minotaurs and Dwarven Colossi are good examples of this.

Click to expand.Well, I cannot deny that the thread’s author has hamstrung Tamriel by nerfing its most powerful elements and placing thousands of island-level threats about the land, but there is still no reason why this scenario would restrict indirect support from powerful organizations. Unless these monsters are capable of traveling to parallel universes, there is no way they could actually access Tamriel if said organizations are given the opportunity to indirectly intervene on their behalf. Click to expand.Thing is there are also fairly exceptional elder scrolls individuals that don't appear obviously stronger than a real life human.J'Ghasta, a member of the black hand practices his hand to hand combat skills with regular looking sandbags that a real-life boxer might using. If he was endowed with superhuman strength you would expect him to use sturdier gear.Also note that the dead drop note that gives you the assignment of killing him strongly implies that being able to kill someone with your bare hands is not something most elder scrolls people can do. I am not sure what you are trying to communicate here. Skilled adventurers have killed giants.

Beasts Of Tamriel Sse 2

Canonically speaking, the main protagonists of the games cut through groups of said adventurers without any effort, and defeat skilled magicians. Moreover, there are numerous quests that involve fighting creatures that are far, far worse than giants. The Vestige –who the developers have confirmed to be much weaker than the Dovahkiin– regularly stomps monsters/machines that make giants look like fodder. Minotaurs and Dwarven Colossi are good examples of this.

Beasts Of Tamriel Sse